Speeches in Japanese by Foreign Residents was held at the Conference Room of Aoba Ward Office Annex Bldg, where
Aoba Int'l Lounge is located, from 2:30 p.m. on Saturday November 16, 2002.
This event, speeches by foreign residents living in regional community
on how and what they think about daily life in Japan and their own countries,
was held as one of programs of Lounge Festival 2002.

Audience of about 180 poeple seemed much impressed with speeches made by
10 speakers from 6 countries (including 3 primary school children).

最優秀賞には、スリランカ出身で在日6ヶ月のニロージャ・サンジーワニーさんが「わたしのあいする ふたつのくに」で、
The Best Speech Award was presented to Ms Nirosha Sanjeewani for her speech
titled "Two Countries I Love". She is from Sri Lanka and has
been in Japan for 6 months. The Audience Award was presented to Mr. Chen
Howey for his speech titled "Japanese People Observed at a Lahmen
Shop". He is a high school student from Taiwan, working part time
at a lahmen shop. He has been in Japan for one yaar and 6 months.
The group of "AYANA" presented to the audience superb folk music
of South America playing traditional instruments such as Quena and Charango
during intermission.